Wk 12 – Classmate Interview – Maggie

I met a fellow freshman today. Her name is Maggie. I didn’t catch her last name. She’s a rather quiet person.

I noticed she was drawing mermaids on her index card. She told me she loves to draw mermaids, fish, and other colorful things. I took it that she enjoyed doing art, and all things associated with it. She agreed, and said to me that she enjoys Art 110. I don’t mean to cause grief to you, Glenn, but she’s the first person I’ve heard say that. So needless to say, I was pretty surprised. She also said that she played water polo in high school, which is sick. I think water polo would take much more stamina than football, which is what I did. Maaaad respect.

So, because I was feeling pretty brazen today, I asked her if I could ask her a weird question. Maggie’s eyes widened alarmingly, and I got a little scared, but she said, “Sure.” I asked her if she knew where people went after they died. She immediately said, “Heaven.” She went on to say, “Good people go to heaven, and bad people go to Hell.” She realizes it’s a little more complicated than that, but that’s pretty much the gist of it. I then talked to her about my beliefs, and I think I rubbed her the wrong way with the things I said. As a result, our conversation ended a little awkwardly. That’s totally okay, though.

Photo on 4-16-15 at 11.35 AM

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